Monday, July 9, 2012

personal life is a given.

so this shall be blog #2, keeping track is ideal however not necessary. Anywho getting on with the post this one shall be about my personal life, granted it is not imaginative but it is a fun one. Contrary to belief i am in fact a wizard, and yes i have proof. here it is every time i am sitting around just minding my own business a song will pop into my head, no this is not the proof but what happens next does, i will be minding my own business and bam the person next to me will instantly start singing the song i was just thinking of you have no idea how powerful i am -nods head and raises eyebrow- this has happened more than once so i came to the conclusion i can make people do what i want by simply thinking about it, perhaps i can manipulate others through a psychic wave length i do not yet completely understand, maybe i can scramble the minds of enemies i do not agree with perhaps i can rig the Presidential election to where i am elected instead the next in line i do not know, but what i do know is that i am a wizard with the psychic wavelength to manipulate others.

Moving on, i have realized that i have been having my chronic headaches more than usual it has been a thorn in my side and his hindered my ability to go outside and have fun due to the fact that the sun burns my retinas during this time and the possibility of me exploding from the sheer site of the sky makes me question my existence as a human being, let me explain in vapid detail. I have a irrational pain to the site of the sun, I cannot stay out in the daytime without suffering from a headache, finally the only thing that quenches my hunger is the taste of blood now don't get me wrong it would be delightful to be a vampire but i am not, i am certainly human, (sorry preteen fans of vampire love stories) so in conclusion to this random gibberish I have been uttering I am a human being.

Drawing an end to my blog of the night I would like to make a couple shout outs, and decelerations. 1st my friends whom i hope is reading this, if not fuck you too haha just kidding loving you guys. this goes out to Brandon Acton, Johnathan Beals, (distant relation to Jessica Beals, but not really) Christina Richart, -whom i recently became very good friends with over the last few months- Jesse Lanning, Jimmy Rattenbury, (who has been very supportive and loving to these friends of mine and I) and last but not least all the friends I have made in the last year who have supported my decisions, helped me through the tough times, made me laugh and smile in times of need, who I have been able to turn to if i was ever in trouble or needed help, and who has loved me for who I am. To you my friends I say I love you and without you I do not think I would be here.

So this is the end of the blog if you enjoyed it and most of my cunning, quippy, fundeful, and heartfelt grammar mistakes follow me and my blog as I post more about my life, and the lives of those who I hold dear. message me on and inform me if you would like to hear anything secretive or hidden in my life as I shall be posting about these things eventually, give me your thoughts about my next blog and what it should be about I love you all and hope to hear from the few readers I may or may not have.

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