Thursday, July 19, 2012

promises of a better day.

Well well well, we meet again and this shall be blog #4 i will only keep track until 5 so this is the decent into my ending of numerical traces.
Let us begin the story shall I? Now this is my story of promises and a personal life I plan to stay in, regularly I would march forward without any thought of what the future may bring, but now I have ambition to plan before I walk a treacherous road through unknown territory. My loved ones, their hope, and determination to see me succeed is what made me realize this light at the end of the tunnel. Promises are a hard thing to comprehend when it comes to me, you see I never thought they meant anything, people would promise each other things that I could not understand I failed so many in my life, lost friends I care for and never thought of what consequences it could bring. This blog is for the one person I care for the most she has held my hand in the darkness and pulled me from my depression I know it is hard for me to understand her feelings at times and i end up doing more bad than good but how i care for her means more to me and helps me realize that i cannot do anything alone anymore. Brianna Marie Murphy is my reason for trying. My lover, my life, my entire existence, and everything I am today is because she believed and still believes in me, she had hope for me when no one else did, she risked her sanity to deal with the lump of a man I am, the pain I endured she endured with me, the crush of defeat from a previous life she was there for me. I love this woman more than I ever thought I could anyone, so to her I make this promise, I promise to always love you with the care, the patience, the pain, and the time you had gave for me and to always give you the love you deserve just like the love you gave to me.


                                                 i love you baby and don't you ever forget it

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